Annual General Meeting of the Swiss Club Tokyo on Wednesday, June 12 at the Foreign Correspondents’ Club of Japan (members only!)

The Annual General Meeting of the Swiss Club Tokyo is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 18:30 at the Foreign Correspondents Club in Marunouchi.

Google maps:

The General Meeting is a members-only event, but anybody interested in joining the Swiss Club Tokyo, you can do so on this occasion.
If that is the case, please fill out the attached application form and send it not later than June 4, 2024.

After the meeting, we will be able to mingle and enjoy a sumptuous dinner buffet together (drinks included).

Contribution to the cost of the evening is JPY 4500 per person (payment upon registration, if possible, please prepare the exact amount!).

We would like to remind you to also prepare the annual membership fee for 2024 (Individual = JPY 3000, family = JPY 5000, student =JPY 2000).

If you have any questions, please contact us: Contact


Why not join us for the annual Swiss Club Family picnic at Hyogojima Park in Futako Tamagawa?

This casual gathering is meant to give families with a Swiss background a chance to get together, share, exchange, and most of all – have some fun!

This being said, it is of course perfectly all right to join if you are single, non-Swiss, and/or if you do not have any children. Anybody is welcome!

If you are interested, please let us know the number of people in your group via contact form:

    There is no need for a limit on the number of participants, and we do not have a deadline, but it would give us an idea about how many people we can expect.

    Please bring your own food and drink with you. A sheet to sit upon, camping chairs, a sun shelter, etc. would be a good idea as well…

    Unfortunately, BBQ is not permitted!

    The organization team will reserve a spot with little swiss flags at the far end of the park (see flyer below) and await your arrival at around 11 AM.

    The park is located rather close to Futako Tamagawa station, which is ideal if you choose to arrive via public transportation.

    Parking a car might be difficult (proximity to station, weekend), but there is public parking approx. 800 meters from the park. Please check the link on Google Maps: Tamagawa Kasenjiki Parking Lot

    Important Note: Depending on weather conditions, we might have to shift the picnic to Sunday, May 26, or, in the worst case, cancel the event!

    If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

    Best wishes from the Organization team!

    Family Picnic on May 20 – Recap

    Initially, it didn’t look to good for our Family Picnic this year. First, we had to postpone for one week because of bad weather. Even though the forecast for our second choice didn’t look to good either, we decided to go ahead with the event. As there was still a bit of a drizzle when we arrived at the park, we chose a sheltered spot underneath a bridge. After that, the rain stopped soon, and the weather improved gradually. Against expectations, almost everybody showed up until we were a respectable crowd.
    Even though the picnic was scheduled to end at 15:00, most participants stayed until 18:00. Looks like everybody had a great time!

    Oberst Gertsch und der Russisch-Japanische Krieg von 1904/05 (by Roger Mottini)

    Fellow Swiss Roger Mottini contributes on a regular basis with Swiss-Japan related essays in the OAG-Notizen (monthly publication of the OAG or Deutsche Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens).

    Please check our his most recent article (in German) on the war between Japan and Russia (1904/05), seen through the eyes of Swiss military observer Colonel Fritz Gertsch.

    You can also find past publications by Roger Mottini via the following link:

    Blog Article on the Swiss Club Hiking Activities!

    Fellow Swiss Club Member Elena Laghi, who is very active on social media, has posted a very nice article on our hiking experiences in and around Kamakura.

    Elena has been on all the excursion we currently offer in the Kamakura area. Enjoy her article and find out more about her experiences and impressions.

    Also, on her webpage you find a plethora of information that might be of interest for you. Check it out!

    And here some photos of the hikes:

    Daibutsu Trail

    Kinubari Yama Trail

    Tennen Trail

    Trail to Takatori Yama